When I was 9 years old my parents decided they wanted a getaway from the hustle and bustle of Anchorage, which at that time had a population of about 100,000. With a 99 year lease on a plot of land from the State on a small lake about 60 miles outside of Anchorage they built a cabin. No running water and no electricity it was heated by a wood burning stove and lighted with Coleman lanterns. I loved it…
Read MoreChapter Twelve – Europe
In the spring of 1969 my parents took off for a trip to Europe leaving us kids at home with a babysitter. They were so taken with Europe that the next year they rented out our house, packed up us kids and took off for a year in England…
Read MoreChapter Thirteen – Dad’s Work
Dad worked in the transportation industry while I was growing up. He worked for companies that operated tugboats, barges and trucks throughout the state. I had no idea, until I saw the next group of pictures, the adventures he had…
Read MoreChapter Fourteen – Quintessential Pics
These are pictures that didn’t fit neatly into the previous chapters, but represent the Alaskan experience or my father. Kind of a mishmash, but I feel a need to share them…
Read MoreFinal Journey
Dad died suddenly while walking alone down the path to his beloved cabin. When I heard where and how he had passed I felt a profound sense of him having come home…
Read MoreEpilogue
Perfection: The complete and utter embrace of the imperfect……. LEAVE ME A NOTE
Read MoreA Minimalist Single Column Blog
Isn’t it refreshing? One, single column of beautiful content surrounded by airy whitespace. The demise of the sidebar has resulted in some great new design possibilities and we’re jumping in feet first. Starting with this purposely minimalist blog design. We’re not lazy, we swear, we just love big, huge photos smack in the middle of a white page. Don’t you? Especially when it’s your lovely work and thoughtfully crafted words locking eyes with readers. Now, we’re not bloggers (not lately anyway), so we won’t go on and on about our love for a great single column blog. Instead we’ll simply add in some dummy text to help you visualize and move on to the next item on our to-do list. How about another photo for good measure as well? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec purus arcu. Integer mauris tellus, laoreet sed porta ac, auctor vitae augue. Vestibulum ac lacus tellus. Nam rhoncus ipsum quis odio volutpat luctus. Aenean elit risus, pellentesque at convallis id, rutrum sed velit. Pellentesque at lacus felis. Vestibulum eu dapibus elit. Fusce tincidunt, risus a ultricies rhoncus, nisi erat viverra nunc, et rutrum neque sapien vel felis. DESIGN IS A FUNNY WORD. SOME PEOPLE THINK DESIGN MEANS HOW IT LOOKS. BUT OF COURSE, IF YOU DIG DEEPER, IT’S REALLY HOW IT WORKS. Pellentesque eu nisi in nisi aliquam fringilla sagittis sed lorem. Pellentesque facilisis vitae magna nec elementum. Suspendisse eu gravida velit. Vestibulum non fringilla eros. Duis tincidunt felis ornare rhoncus feugiat. Nullam dapibus quam vitae posuere vestibulum. Pellentesque non sodales velit. Sed fringilla risus eu purus dignissim efficitur, fusce euismod ipsum vel iaculis accumsan.
Read MoreAn Optional Blog Sidebar Layout
Sometimes you just want to mix it up, and now with our optional sidebar layout you can do just that. Choose to add a sidebar to the entire blog, or just to specific posts – the choice is really up to you! A fully widgetized sidebar is the perfect place for a signup form, some social media links, archives, search bar and more. Choice is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec purus arcu. Integer mauris tellus, laoreet sed porta ac, auctor vitae augue. Vestibulum ac lacus tellus. Nam rhoncus ipsum quis odio volutpat luctus. Aenean elit risus, pellentesque at convallis id, rutrum sed velit. Pellentesque at lacus felis. Vestibulum eu dapibus elit. Fusce tincidunt, risus a ultricies rhoncus, nisi erat viverra nunc, et rutrum neque sapien vel felis. Sed mauris nisl, scelerisque quis ex ac, hendrerit pellentesque urna. Suspendisse suscipit efficitur elit et commodo.Praesent hendrerit, ipsum vel dictum pretium, nunc quam efficitur eros, eu facilisis lacus mi faucibus turpis. Pellentesque orci leo, mattis vitae leo in, euismod feugiat augue. Duis augue risus, porttitor quis nunc in, semper malesuada tellus.
Read MoreBig, Bold Full-Width Blog Images
If you read our other post about how much we like single column blogs, then you’ll also know that we like great full width photos that demand your attention. So here are some more to really get our point across. It’s kind of like a gallery; calming, inspiring and a tad intimidating (in a good way) all at the same time. Sed sodales erat at quam mollis, nec maximus massa scelerisque. Maecenas sapien nisl, tempus vitae elit a, aliquet varius sapien. Donec egestas auctor euismod. Nam rutrum facilisis rhoncus. Aenean id eros mattis, maximus felis eu, auctor lectus. Mauris quis nisi ut lorem viverra varius tempor eget odio. Fusce ultricies mauris ut lectus gravida imperdiet. Sed mauris nisl, scelerisque quis ex ac, hendrerit pellentesque urna. Suspendisse suscipit efficitur elit et commodo.Praesent hendrerit, ipsum vel dictum pretium, nunc quam efficitur eros, eu facilisis lacus mi faucibus turpis. Pellentesque orci leo, mattis vitae leo in, euismod feugiat augue. Duis augue risus, porttitor quis nunc in, semper malesuada tellus.
Read MoreLots of Styled Headings for Structure
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec purus arcu. Integer mauris tellus, laoreet sed porta ac, auctor vitae augue. Vestibulum ac lacus tellus. Nam rhoncus ipsum quis odio volutpat luctus. Aenean elit risus, pellentesque at convallis id, rutrum sed velit. Pellentesque at lacus felis. Vestibulum eu dapibus elit. Here’s a sample heading Sed sodales erat at quam mollis, nec maximus massa scelerisque. Maecenas sapien nisl, tempus vitae elit a, aliquet varius sapien. Donec egestas auctor euismod. Nam rutrum facilisis rhoncus. Aenean id eros mattis, maximus felis eu, auctor lectus. Mauris quis nisi ut lorem viverra varius tempor eget odio. Fusce ultricies mauris ut lectus gravida imperdiet. And here’s another sample heading Sed mauris nisl, scelerisque quis ex ac, hendrerit pellentesque urna. Suspendisse suscipit efficitur elit et commodo. Praesent hendrerit, ipsum vel dictum pretium, nunc quam efficitur eros, eu facilisis lacus mi faucibus turpis. Pellentesque orci leo, mattis vitae leo in, euismod feugiat augue. Duis augue risus, porttitor quis nunc in, semper malesuada tellus. Yet another sample heading Nam dapibus quis tortor vitae blandit. Quisque a enim id diam elementum sodales. In pharetra at orci sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse porta tellus a tellus maximus, non pulvinar ipsum eleifend. Donec id velit placerat, sodales ligula eu, volutpat metus. Donec ut ex velit. Cras congue metus in fermentum posuere.
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